Category: hard questions

Reached your limit?

My iPhone is out of storage space. As I try to retrieve some super important piece of information from this handheld device that functions as the second half of my brain, it just refuses to work. You have …

A year we didn’t see coming

2020. I know. We’re all done with this year. I’ve seen the memes and read the social media posts. Everyone is ready for this unprecedented dumpster fire of a year to make its way out the door. We …

The kingdom of God on a Tuesday in November

They are saying that this is the most important election in history or in a generation or in our lifetime. And I don’t really know who “they” are, but somehow I have allowed “them” enough access to my …

We Know This

Saturday Night Live is not generally where I get inspiration for writing these blog posts. I am old and have to be up way too early on Sunday mornings to make it through much of the late-night comedy …

The days of doing hard things

“This is so hard! Why is it so hard?!” my youngest collapses on his desk knocking books and papers to the floor. The assignment on his computer is flashing green, but when he clicks on it nothing happens. …

Driving through a storm

I remember it like it was yesterday. Heading out of town for the weekend in a car full of friends, mixed tapes, and snack food, we were bursting at the seams with laughter and luggage. It had begun to get dark, but we were …

For when you have more questions than answers

“Mom, can I ride this skateboard down the stairs?” “Mom, can I chew 5 pieces of gum at one time?” “Mom, can I have a pet snake?” “Mom, can I have a snack?” “Mom, can I jump off …

Choosing Words

Tongue-tied. That’s how I have found myself lately. Despite the fact that I have read a lot of words; listened to a lot of words; and even said a lot of words about all that is going on …

Willing to be salt and light on a regular Friday?

So here we are at the end of this strange month of May, and life still feels far from normal. Re-opening the world while continuing to fight an invisible virus has proved to be more complicated and more …

What is good about this strange Good Friday?

Why do we call this day Good Friday? At some point today one of my boys will ask me this question. And in the middle of this unsettling time when nothing feels good or normal, I will struggle …