Tag: jesus

Peace in the going

I registered for my first seminary class this week while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, listening to a tutorial on a new computer upgrade for work, and cleaning up popcorn someone had spilled on the floor. …

Unprecedented Advent

Advent 2020 began last Sunday. And because it is 2020, I should not be shocked that it began in a bit of an unprecedented way for me. Isn’t that the word of the year? As this season of …

Driving through a storm

I remember it like it was yesterday. Heading out of town for the weekend in a car full of friends, mixed tapes, and snack food, we were bursting at the seams with laughter and luggage. It had begun to get dark, but we were …

For when you have more questions than answers

“Mom, can I ride this skateboard down the stairs?” “Mom, can I chew 5 pieces of gum at one time?” “Mom, can I have a pet snake?” “Mom, can I have a snack?” “Mom, can I jump off …

What is good about this strange Good Friday?

Why do we call this day Good Friday? At some point today one of my boys will ask me this question. And in the middle of this unsettling time when nothing feels good or normal, I will struggle …

Peace. Be Still. And wash your hands.

These are the days of people grocery shopping with gloves on, buying toilet paper by the case and backing away from handshakes. A nervous store clerk scrubs the counter with a pile of wipes and tries to take …

For when you don’t know what to do

Anyone remember these? I found this relic from ’90’s church camp when I was cleaning things out recently. WWJD – What Would Jesus Do? It was a phrase we teenagers were taught to think about whenever we had …

Through a storm

We spent last week at the beach on the edge of Tropical Storm Barry. And as we watched the Gulf change from calm and easy waves to pounding and crashing surf, I was reminded of some words I …

Good Friday; A Rescue story

We never intended to need a rescue. We did everything right. Well, at least as right as 20- something’s can do when planning a camping trip in the middle of winter. We had maps (yes, paper maps, call …

Are you missing a peace?

“Peace on the earth, goodwill to men. From heaven’s all gracious king! The world in solemn stillness lay to hear the angels sing” (Sears).  Solemn stillness. What would that be like? I wonder as that  Christmas carol plays …