Category: change

The things we’ve learned

Asynchronous vs. synchronous, virtual learning, online school, social distance, contact-traced, covid positive, quarantine … These are just a few examples of words we have added to our vocabulary this year. At the beginning of March 2020, I had …

Unprecedented Advent

Advent 2020 began last Sunday. And because it is 2020, I should not be shocked that it began in a bit of an unprecedented way for me. Isn’t that the word of the year? As this season of …

The days of doing hard things

“This is so hard! Why is it so hard?!” my youngest collapses on his desk knocking books and papers to the floor. The assignment on his computer is flashing green, but when he clicks on it nothing happens. …

The summer of no plans

Hey, mom, it’s summer, remember?! A boy argues with me about bedtime, and it catches me off guard. Summer? Oh, yeah, summer. The strangest school year ever is finally in the books. And the next two months of …

So, how are you doing?

This sign made me cry yesterday. The skies were deliriously blue, the sun was shining and the park was closed? The silence was deafening. “Just relax. Everything is all going to be alright,” a friend’s text pops up …

Doing new things doesn’t have to be so complicated

Her goal is to grab a middle seat. She tells me this confidently as we stand in the queue waiting to board the plane. We’re clutching our phones, boarding passes displaying that we are just one number apart …

When change moves everything around

If you want to watch a person lose a little bit of her mind, send her into a newly rearranged grocery store with five minutes until the bus drops off her child and tell her to find Ziplock …