Tag: listening

For when you don’t understand the plans

NBA stars. When my big boys were little boys that was their dream job. Or NFL running backs. They’d settle for either as long as it involved being famous and playing ball. Turns out genetics are completely against …

Choosing Words

Tongue-tied. That’s how I have found myself lately. Despite the fact that I have read a lot of words; listened to a lot of words; and even said a lot of words about all that is going on …

Willing to be salt and light on a regular Friday?

So here we are at the end of this strange month of May, and life still feels far from normal. Re-opening the world while continuing to fight an invisible virus has proved to be more complicated and more …

For the love of directions

My husband did not fall in love with me for my sense of direction. Or my ability to read maps. This became apparent the first time he told me to go west when making a turn. Left and …

What do you see?

He looks so little stumbling into the hallway with his blanket draped around him. “It’s happening again,” he cries. “Everything I see is zooming in and zooming out. Make it stop mom! Make it stop!” I’m still half …

How to chase a bear off a mountain

I am having trouble walking this week. And it’s my own fault. Or maybe I can blame the bear? I’m not sure. But there’s a story and a lesson here, I think. So I’m trying to pay attention.