Category: kids

Everything I need to know I learned at Vacation Bible School

My first memories of Vacation Bible School have to do with juice and goldfish. The juice that came in a metal can and had to be opened with something my mom referred to as a “church key”?

What to do with our kids’ questions this week

The world seems to be breaking right apart this week. It is horrifying and overwhelming. And when my 11 year old son sits down to breakfast, his frozen waffles smeared with peanut butter, he scans over the front …

What do you love?

“What do you love the most of anything?” my youngest is shivering in the early evening summer shadows. Swimming pool wet and popsicle mustached, he pulls his towel close and this question pops right out. He doesn’t wait for me …

For those of us with Perfect Plans

The little chalkboard in our kitchen tells me that there are 4 days of school left. 4 days! People are excited around here. Leaping, jumping, hollering kind of excited. And me, too. I think? Because  the end of …

The Things I Forget to Remember

I have three boys. If you are from the south, this is where you bless my heart. Otherwise, you just ask me about my grocery bill. Because yes, I need my heart blessed, and yes I spend most …

Some Words for the Month of May and Endings

We’ve been doing this all year. The list of words and the sentences that need to be written. The first grader curled up on his legs in the space of his little homework desk. Frustrated, anxious and hopeful …