Tag: standing

Growing roses when you have a brown thumb

I have rifled through albums and boxes of pictures from my growing up years and made an impressive discovery. Photography in the 1970’s and 80’s was not a thing like it is now. I was searching for a …

On being salt and light and why it matters

I’ve read so many words about the riots in Charlottesville this past weekend. I’ve read words of haters and ones claiming that love wins; sad words and outraged ones. I’ve seen friends’ words unravel years of friendship in comment threads on social …

Where do you think you are going in those shoes?

Twenty- one years ago this week, I met the boy who would become my husband. On a blind date. While wearing tennis shoes. Yeah. I was a real fashionista. And as my sweet husband relishes in reminding me, it was …

Stepping into new things

He wants to try a new sport, this routine loving boy of mine. The basketball court has been his second home for so many seasons that we’ve lost count. But not this winter, he tells us. Wrestling. He …

It’s All About How You Fall

“Everyone stands somewhere. Even if we sometimes don’t know where we are standing … because we’ve never give it any attention. But there we are, nonetheless, standing somewhere” (Piper 21). John Piper writes these words in his book A Peculiar Glory. …

Standing still … and dancing

I was a senior in college the first time I realized that standing still was not my gift. And recently as the frantic pace of this summer has caught up with me, the memory of this long ago …