Tag: neighbors

Headlines, Horror, Cookies and Potato Latkes

There is a synagogue across the street from our church. We share parking lots and pleasantries during big events and holidays. We know their Rabbi and they know our Pastor. We speak and smile and try not to …

A prayer for our country on this Independence Day

Today we will proudly wear our red, white and blue. We will fire up grills, gas up boats, pack up picnic baskets, line parade routes and shoot off fireworks. Today, we will celebrate the birth of this great …

On being rescued, paying attention and advice from a guardian angel

I wasn’t paying attention. I was jogging along, lost in my own thoughts, and out of nowhere, these dogs came charging toward me. Teeth bared, they bounded from their nearby yard growling and barking. I was jolted out …

A prayer for this Inauguration Day

It seems that history will be made today.  Since 1937 and the inauguration of President Roosevelt, January 20th has stood on the calendar as the time when power changes hands here in these United States of America. It is Inauguration Day. And …