What happens when you move too fast?

We have this calendar app that we use as a family. And I am seriously grateful for it. With three boys and lots of activities, we move fast. Keeping up with life would be  impossible without a structure to hold us together. But some days? Some days, the sight of that app with its tiny colored dots representing each person in my house and his need to be somewhere at a specific time makes the world feel like it is moving in fast forward.

What’s on your list?

This time of year everyone is making lists … and checking them twice. Grocery lists, guests lists, to-do lists, Christmas gift lists and of course the “what I am thankful for” lists. My little one brings home a turkey with feathers and wonders if he can just copy the one he made last year. Cause really mom I’m always thankful for the same things; so it’s not cheating. And all these lists give me hives. There is something about a list and its lack of words that leaves me anxious in the space I know the doing will require. And being thankful seems like it should take up more than just a few feathers on a smiling turkey’s back.

Headlines, Horror, Cookies and Potato Latkes

There is a synagogue across the street from our church. We share parking lots and pleasantries during big events and holidays. We know their Rabbi and they know our Pastor. We speak and smile and try not to take the good parking spots from each other.  And this week, our hearts broke with theirs. They hosted a service of healing in their sacred worship space, and I found myself driving carpool; passing by as people, heads down and shoulders hunched were making their way inside. Tears stung in my eyes as I witnessed the weight of the broken world balanced on their side of the road. 

You are what you eat

“Can I eat this mom? It doesn’t say if it is gluten-free? Do you think it is ok?” My little guy stares at this package of snacks and tries to determine if he is going to trust it. He shakes it, reads the ingredient list again and then discards it on the table opting for an apple instead. “This,” he announces to the entire kitchen, “is definitely gluten-free. It has never failed me!” And he punctuates his declaration with a loud crunchy bite.

What to do when you run out of storage space

My iPhone has not backed itself up in the last 96 days. It tells me this as I am trying to retrieve some super important piece of information from it. The home screen locks and this message appears. This Phone has not been backed up to iCloud in the last 96 days. What? And then everything stops working. You have no more storage it tells me. And I’m left staring at the locked screen wondering why I had no idea this could even happen.

Walking lessons

Watch where you are going! Quit stepping on your brother’s heels! No, you can’t walk into the road yet, there’s a car! Hey! Hey! Heads up! Eyes in front! These words came out of my mouth a million times last week. And they were usually accompanied by the snagging of a kid’s shirt collar or jacket hood. I pulled more boys out of the way of approaching cars and fast walking businesspeople than I care to remember. Walking in a big city is no joke!

Looking for a way around the hard work?

“What did the Minutemen do and which goods were taxed by the Stamp Act?” I am doing my best to be patient. But. Fourth-grade homework isn’t for the faint of heart. My little guy turns himself sideways and flails about in his desk because Mom, does it really matter? We don’t have any of those things anymore? Minutes and stamps are so boring. Clearly, he is going to ace his Social Studies test.

When change moves everything around

If you want to watch a person lose a little bit of her mind, send her into a newly rearranged grocery store with five minutes until the bus drops off her child and tell her to find Ziplock bags. Remind her that no one in the store will have any answers and everyone she meets will be irritated by the change. Then let her go and watch what happens. Ask me how I know that it will not be pretty.

When Faith Falls

Excited to be sharing my words about faith, real life and our God who is bigger than all of the struggles we face. I’m over on the (in)courage blog today … Click Here to join me and read more.

What is it you need to remember?

Hey, Mom! You know it’s been almost 22 years since you went to school here, right?!” my oldest bellows his discovery across the breadth of the rambling porch at my college sorority house. There is a young sister perched in one of the old rocking chairs, her books and phone scattered about on the painted cracks of the floor. She smiles over at us, and I feel as though I should be using a cane to navigate the steps. Wasn’t that just me, there on that porch?