Tag: clock watching

How to stand in line

The check-out line at Old Navy gives me hives. Especially when the clock is ticking away seconds until my feet need to be planted at the bus stop. I just need one pair of pants; a pair that …

On taking a break

How many of you are good at taking breaks? I’m convinced that my teenagers are pros at it! But, me? Well, I am terrible. I can plow through the work in front of me for hours on end without ever stopping …

A letter to all of us about Joy– the kind we can’t find at the mall

Dear all of you “Christmas joy makers”, this letter is for you and for me. I know you’re out there. You probably don’t even think you have time to read this little letter. You have Christmas joy to …

How to Beat the Clock

That clock. All. Day. Long. He watches over my shoulder, tick-tocking his way into every fragmented thought. He determines what gets done and what gets piled in the corner. He decides if I eat lunch or simply down …