Category: seeing

What do you see?

He looks so little stumbling into the hallway with his blanket draped around him. “It’s happening again,” he cries. “Everything I see is zooming in and zooming out. Make it stop mom! Make it stop!” I’m still half …

Start with a word and a prayer

And so, it is time to start. January blows in with its cold rain and reminds us that time waits for no man. We are moved into the next season whether we like it or not. There are …

Walking lessons

Watch where you are going! Quit stepping on your brother’s heels! No, you can’t walk into the road yet, there’s a car! Hey! Hey! Heads up! Eyes in front! These words came out of my mouth a million times …

We are what we notice

Tattling is a serious crime around our house. I have always had the rule that both the tale-teller and the wrongdoer will be punished. “Work it out! Unless there is blood. Then you should come get me” has been …

Because, No. We are not there yet.

“Are we there yet?”  The most famous question of the summer. My kids ask this on a 5 minute drive to Target; so you can imagine a road trip in our car. And usually I begin the trip by kindly answering their questions, giving them a sign …

The way through the storm

We never even saw it coming. Our car full of friends, mixed tapes and rumpled snack food bags was headed out of town for the weekend; bursting at the seams with laughter and luggage. It had begun to get dark when we left, but …

New Year. New Word. Come and see.

I have worn glasses since high school and that Human Phys. class where the teacher perplexed me with all of his blurry diagrams on the chalk board. I thought it was just me. Science isn’t really my thing. But, it turns out that being able to …