Category: school

How to Begin

Beginnings have a way of stealing our breath. The unknown and the long road ahead can be exhilarating and overwhelming all at the same time. And you can forget everything you thought you knew. So as the page …

Looking for a way around the hard work?

“What did the Minutemen do and which goods were taxed by the Stamp Act?” I am doing my best to be patient. But. Fourth-grade homework isn’t for the faint of heart. My little guy turns himself sideways and …

The one way to avoid the hustle of a new season

An orange one subject wide-ruled spiral notebook. It said it right there in the middle of the 4th-grade school supply list. Like it was no big deal. Right between pencils, pens, and erasers. Like it would be just …

How Yes and No stack up to build our lives

Yes? No? Maybe? Every year I struggle with these words. Every. Year. And it isn’t like I don’t see it coming. As soon as we trade the sand and the sun of summer for the backpacks and pencils of …

What I need to remember on this back to school day

The little one is a bit scared; the older one kinda nervous and the middle one’s just plain mad. But like it or not; here we go again. It is Back to School Day here in the southern …

So this is May

** I’ve been writing in this space for a year now! And it is strange how much has changed in the past 365 days. Probably true for you as well? This post first appeared here last year as May rolled in …

For When The Work gets Hard

We’ve been in school two weeks here in the southern suburbs. Two weeks, people! And the whining has already begun. We’ve already lost a notebook, cried over a book report and had a melt-down over the fact that …

This Prayer For Your Back To School Week

They are heading back, Lord, our little (or not so little anymore) people. Back to hallways, desks, math, writing assignments, lockers and playgrounds. They are lacing up their brand new sneakers, strapping on their heavy backpacks and walking right …

Some Words for the Month of May and Endings

We’ve been doing this all year. The list of words and the sentences that need to be written. The first grader curled up on his legs in the space of his little homework desk. Frustrated, anxious and hopeful …