Category: New things

The End

I said I would never drive a minivan. Never. I had one tiny child in my arms at the time. Who needed all of that space? And who wanted to look so uncool in a car like that? …

Peace in the going

I registered for my first seminary class this week while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, listening to a tutorial on a new computer upgrade for work, and cleaning up popcorn someone had spilled on the floor. …

For the love of directions

My husband did not fall in love with me for my sense of direction. Or my ability to read maps. This became apparent the first time he told me to go west when making a turn. Left and …

Start with a word and a prayer

And so, it is time to start. January blows in with its cold rain and reminds us that time waits for no man. We are moved into the next season whether we like it or not. There are …

How to Begin

Beginnings have a way of stealing our breath. The unknown and the long road ahead can be exhilarating and overwhelming all at the same time. And you can forget everything you thought you knew. So as the page …

A Prayer As We Go

Click HERE and I’ll read the whole thing to you in about 3 mins! We’ve played the final concert, cheered for the final game, taken the last test, cleaned out the notebooks and signed all the yearbooks. And …

Doing new things doesn’t have to be so complicated

Her goal is to grab a middle seat. She tells me this confidently as we stand in the queue waiting to board the plane. We’re clutching our phones, boarding passes displaying that we are just one number apart …

One to grow on — a look back at 2018

“Turn your head! Yes, your entire head! Do not trust your mirrors! Always look behind you before you move over!” I’ve said these words a thousand times this year as we’ve worked to grow our oldest teenager into …

What is it you want to grow?

He wanted to grow a cabbage. The biggest one ever, he declared as he carried his tiny plant home from the bus stop. He was waving this paper about prizes you could win if your cabbage grows the …

Growing roses when you have a brown thumb

I have rifled through albums and boxes of pictures from my growing up years and made an impressive discovery. Photography in the 1970’s and 80’s was not a thing like it is now. I was searching for a …