Category: being still

The Music of Hope

This first week of Advent has blown through in a bit of a blur; the calendar pushing and pulling in all directions and filling the week of hope with distraction I keep trying to see through. But, last …

What do you notice?

Tattling has always been a serious crime around our house. I have long lived by the rule that both the tale-teller and the wrongdoer will be punished. “Work it out! Unless there is blood. Then come get me” has …

On taking a break

How many of you are good at taking breaks? I’m convinced that my teenagers are pros at it! But, me? Well, I am terrible. I can plow through the work in front of me for hours on end without ever stopping …

What to do when you run out of storage space

My iPhone has not backed itself up in the last 96 days. It tells me this as I am trying to retrieve some super important piece of information from it. The home screen locks and this message appears. …

On Christmas Eve — the final piece in our Advent series

It’s looking a lot like this around here today. Christmas Eve and I can’t even find my desk. There are still gifts to be wrapped and children whining about not having anything to do (are you kidding me?). …

Seeking Hope — the first in a series of Advent posts

Advent is defined as this season of ‘expectant waiting and preparation for Jesus’ birth’, for the coming of Christmas. Makes it sound holy, quiet and serene, doesn’t it? But really? Really, we are entering  a season of crazy, busy doing. Anybody with …

Standing still … and dancing

I was a senior in college the first time I realized that standing still was not my gift. And recently as the frantic pace of this summer has caught up with me, the memory of this long ago …