Month: January 2017

Knocking on doors that won’t open and seeking answers

Knocking on doors is a favorite activity in our neck of the woods. We live in a neighborhood packed full of active little adventure seeking boys. And every afternoon my youngest hardly finishes the last word of his daily reading assignment …

A prayer for this Inauguration Day

It seems that history will be made today.  Since 1937 and the inauguration of President Roosevelt, January 20th has stood on the calendar as the time when power changes hands here in these United States of America. It is Inauguration Day. And …

When you want to pray for greener grass

I have a lot of friends who are traveling right now.  I am hiding behind the closed bathroom door returning some texts when I realize this. “Will you pray?” my screen full of messages asks me. Friends headed off on mission trips, …

New Year. New Word. Come and see.

I have worn glasses since high school and that Human Phys. class where the teacher perplexed me with all of his blurry diagrams on the chalk board. I thought it was just me. Science isn’t really my thing. But, it turns out that being able to …